Adventures, the quiet version

Adventures, the quiet version

  The past two weeks have been busy and adventurous. Well, maybe adventurous in the geeky kind of way rather than the outdoorsy or saving-the-world way. I injured myself working out and could hardly walk. Then I had a deadline at work and an important...
The purpose of lines

The purpose of lines

As you will have noticed, I am deeply ensconced in an exploration of gouache on kraft paper which involves finding out how tidy my drawing can be, which sorts of things make for good quick-painting subjects and how to combine colour and line. In this post, I want to...
Endings and new beginnings

Endings and new beginnings

‚Tis the end of the year. My blog host has sent me stats so that I know what I have accomplished this year on this here blog. The real accomplishment is not perceptible online, I don’t think, though having said that I will merrily repost my favourite...


Reposted from Robert and Sara Genn’s twice-weekly newsletter Painter’s Keys Dear Artist, Music pervades the studio, the headset-phone rings from time to time, the brush proceeds. Here in the solitude of the easel-station there’s time to consider. I’m...