Up on the shelf | Oben auf dem Regal

Up on the shelf | Oben auf dem Regal

… are these guys all next to one another. I challenged myself and tried to paint them in the semi-dark. Tricky but very, very interesting. … sind diese drei Dinge angeordnet. Ich habe mir eine extra Herausforderung gestellt und versucht, dieses Stillleben...
Little still lives | Kleine Stillleben

Little still lives | Kleine Stillleben

Lately, I really haven’t had as much time for painting as I would have liked. So I have come up with a cunning plan: new little daily projects. The hands (here and here) were my first daily project during which I pledged to draw a hand a day in no more than 20...
Zorn-Test: The reduced palette (English only)

Zorn-Test: The reduced palette (English only)

This week, I am experimenting with Anders Zorn’s reduced palette. As an oil painter this would have me using four tubes of paint: titanium white, ivory black, alizarin crimson or cadmium red and yellow ochre. As a watercolourist, I am down to just three: ivory...
Home office

Home office

This is my sweetheart working from home. It’s the usual way of things chez Gillands: I sit at my desk or sit/stand at my easel, he is sitting on the sofa all comfortable reading, thinking and typing on his computer. It always amazes me how quiet it is in the...
Hang on, little tomato!

Hang on, little tomato!

There is a lovely modern jazz song by the title of ‚Hang on, little tomato‘ – my husband wants to play this with his band sometime soon. Even before he has a chance to do that though, I am borrowing the title for this wee painting of tomatoes from...