Out on the lawn | Auf der Wiese

Out on the lawn | Auf der Wiese

The weather has been so beautiful lately that I have been able to go out a bit with the wee one. An added bonus was that my sweetheart had some time to spend with us lately! On Saturday we went to the local monastery and lazied around on the grounds there, and on...
Asleep | Im Schlaf

Asleep | Im Schlaf

My little son James is the cutest wee man alive! I gaze at him in wonder and amazement many hours every day. I wish I could capture so many of his funny expressions. Sadly, the moments I look at hime most closely are also those when I am tied up in feeding him. This...
A week of still lives | Eine Woche Stillleben

A week of still lives | Eine Woche Stillleben

So, last week was my still life week. This means I made one little still life watercolour sketch every day. Doing this usually took me about an hour and was a means to get watercolour sketching again, meaning: I wanted to get back to being quite loose and rather less...
Prickly subjects | Stachelige Motive

Prickly subjects | Stachelige Motive

Continuing with my still lives, I notice a few trends. I tend to want to go for the potted plants first because they seem a lot more interesting than most other subjects around the house even though the sheer plenitude of different shapes and lights on the leaves can...